Glaciers are melting swiftly, cases of floods are rising and extreme weather conditions are seen in every country across the globe. Global warming that causes the rise in sea levels is so severe that many countries are at a huge risk of disappearing from the world map soon.
Here are 5 coastal countries that are on the verge of being wiped out.
1. Maldives
The Maldives is a paradise for tourists. The country is situated in the west of the Indian Ocean and attracts a large number of travelers from India. The Maldives consists of 1,100 islands with its lowest-lying land just 4.2 feet above the level which makes it susceptible to the danger of rising sea levels.
Many of the islands here are reporting significant beach erosion, which is effectively reducing the land area suitable for human habitation.

2. Bangladesh
The neighboring country of India is the only non-island country is this list. The 163 million residents of the country are constantly under the threat of floods, cyclones, and tornadoes.
Due to the melting of the Himalayan Glacier, 25 % of the country gets submerged in floods every year. Researchers believe that 20 million climate refugees will be forced to leave their homes behind in the coming years due to climate change.

3. Seychelles
Seychelles is a country located in the western Indian Ocean and comprises 115 islands, which is spread over an area of 177 square miles. The coral reefs have been severely damaged due to the increasing temperature of the oceans.
The island is now under a threat of erosion as the coral reefs used to protect the islands from being eroded away. If sea levels rise just 3 feet, the 92,000 people living here will be left without a place to live.

4. Tuvalu
Tuvalu is the third smallest country in the world. It lies halfway between Queensland and Hawaii and spreads over 26 square kilometers only.
Many of the 10,000 people living here are already seeking shelters at other places as the country has been damaged severely by global climate change. In fact, a family here became one of the first in the world to be granted residency in New Zealand based on the threat of global climate change.

5. Federated States of Micronesia
The Federated States of Micronesia is located in the east of the Philippines and consists of 607 islands. Rising sea levels have caused a lot of damage in the country and have forced many cemeteries to disappear beneath the ocean water.

The government has implemented sustainable environmental policies and climate adaption plans for both adaption and mitigation outcomes. By 2100, the surrounding sea level is expected to rise approximately by 20-50 inches.
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